Saturday, 31 March 2012

Back in Business

Miller Lake outside of Snow Road Station
Today was the 1st rideable day in over a week.
Not  warm, but at least it was sunny.

We kept close to home : Lanark Highlands......Perth , Sharbot lake, Snow Road Station , Elphin, Macdonald's Corners, Watson's Corners, The Calbogie run, Burnstown... then home through Arnprior.

Miller Lake from bridge

Calabogie Lake

Madawaska River

Madawaska River

These are the kind of little spots that I like best.
Nothing amazing, but quiet and pretty. Kind of the archetypical rural Ontario.
It feels good to see these places, and know that that they exist.

Sometimes we ride to a specific destination, but lots of days we just sort of end up somewhere. One of us will say "what if we turn here?"
Lots of places to discover doing this!

Friday, 23 March 2012

What a week!

Summer 2011

Can't believe this past week....June weather.
Last year at this time there was no riding yet and this year,  I have been out almost everyday for some kind of ride.
Been to a bunch of surrounding small towns.

Nothing spectacular so far, but it sure is fun to run to Gananoque for a coffee.

Throw in some maintenance on the bike, fixing a leaking primary, and rewiring and replacing a signal light. and it has been busy.

I think this coming week is supposed to be crappy. 15-20 degrees cooler than we have been getting.
Back to reality.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

1st Real Ride!

March 18th, and it went to 22 degrees....Pretty Ok for this time of year.
My Buddy Brent and I met at the McD's in Perth

Brent and the bikes.
 and headed down to Kaladar, then through Napanee to Hwy. 33, which runs along Lake Ontario.
You come over a hill and boom...Lake Ontario is there.
Road ends at Lake Ontario
 Brent Riding

Taking a break from the hard work of riding on a sunny day.

From there we ran along Lake Ontario/ the St Lawrence  through Bath, Millhaven, Kingston, Gananoque to Brockville, and them home through Smiths Falls.
It is a really nice ride.

We took it pretty easy and just enjoyed the rush to get anywhere.

Saw a lot of wildlife...ducks, beavers, wild turkeys, geese, vultures, and a coyote, we think. Pretty cool .

Highway along Lake Ontario.
Not bad for a 1st the middle of March.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Riding Music

Cruising 2010
Can't argue that good tunes makes riding that little bit more excellant.
Still awesome...Steppenwolf.

Feeling mellow? Can't go wrong with
  George  Harrison.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

White Mountains
Kancamagus Highway White Mountains
Something to Look Forward to...

Laconia for Bike Week in Mid June!

We will be staying at the Profile Motel in Lincoln NH...great place. I highly recommend it.

Trip advisor reviews :

The highways are awesome, the people super friendly, and we don't have to wear helmets. The scenery is actually breathtaking.
What's not to love?

More White Mountains

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Got the bike sort of cleaned up today, and a broken signal light fixed.
Too messy out for a decent ride, but I did get out for a 20 minute spin.
Feels awesome!
Hoping the weather this week stays warm...could be that Friday will be a short day at work.......

Saturday, 10 March 2012

it starts

This will be my account of  rides, places I go, people I see, stuff I eat etc.when I am out on the bike.

Right now I have the bike...a 2009 Harley FXDC good to go. Just need some warmth!