Sunday, 28 April 2013

Spring is here...YAY !!!

23 and sunny today.

I haven't been blogging because I am ranted out, and haven't done any noteworth rides because the weather has sucked, for the most part.
Would you want to bother reading about a ride to Richmond, or Carleton Place?

1st some news...I got my oil leak fixed with the help of some gasket glue from Brent.

The offending gasket

Inside the primary

Gasket seal from Brent

And the whole operation went off with no ecological disasters of any kind.
There will be no fodder for family gatherings...
And I am not leaving a puddle of oil everywhere I park.

I went for a ride Saturday night with my wife, and we went down to Remic's rapids, where the stone sculptures are.
As you can see below, there is no rock exposed to build sculptures on...the Ottawa river is super high right now.

Today I got up early and headed to Brent's in Lanark, for breakfast and then riding.
We didn't do anything huge, but stopped at Silver Lake, of course.

From there we went up to the Snow road.
This road is an original colonisation road that has been there since the mid 1800's.
It connects with what is now highway 7 and runs to Elphin and around.

We stopped by the Mississippi River to stretch.

Parted ways with Brent in Watson's Corners...he headed home from there.

I came home via the Calabogie run, and then to Burnstown and Arnprior.

Not a huge run, but we were just enjoying the day.
Everywhere we stopped, people were talking to us, and just being friendly.

There were a ton of bikes out with this great the time I got home I was biker waved-out...

I have a 3 day weekend next weekend, and hope to get some longer rides in.
The week is looking kind of crappy...starts with rain tomorrow.

But the important thing is that...SPRING HAS SPRUNG !!!

Monday, 1 April 2013

More oil....

There is a little gasket in the primary where the mid controls were removed when I had forward controls put on, that is now on a list I have going.

Last year there was a point when every time I stopped, there was a little puddle of oil under my bike.
It's a Harley, so a little is not a big deal, but this was getting to be a pain in the ass.
Plus ....I was taking a shit kicking from my lovely wife.
It reached the point I needed to do something about it....

Maybe a slight exaggeration...but not by much.

I did some research and discovered that it was probably the tower gasket, which is a $2.00 part.
That is cool.
The only thing is that to get at it you have to drain the primary.
So add in a $20.00 quart of replacement oil.
Stripped a bolt removing the derby cover...a $25.00 bit extractor set.
Decided to replace all the bolts with allen key stainless...another 10 bucks.
And another oil spot on the laneway.

The good news is that I have what appears to be the same leak happening.
Yay !
I won't have to deal with stripped bolts etc....but it is like eating pudding with a is do-able, but still a pain in the ass.
And I just changed my primary oil....that is 20 bucks down the drain.
Makes me almost want to say " dude....". But I won't, cuz that would be rude, and I am never rude.

On another front...the weather is getting cold and crappy least for the next week.
Jesus H Christ!
It's should be bug bite season...not turn on the heat season.
I am once again forced to wonder what kind of retards my ancestors were.

No excuse at all for the Italian side.
None at all, Precious.

I can kind of understand the British/Scottish side staying here... Britain and Scotland ?...nuff said.
I mean would you go back to a place where rotten teeth make you a real looker?

I think not.
The United Kingdom is also a place that any tan above Vampire-white is considered amazing, because of their weather.
Un-fricken believable.

Still, that leaves us all holding the "leaky bag of dogshit", that is weather in Canada.

On the positive side?
It looks real nice in the 14 day...above 10 and sunny..... if they can actually forecast that far.
Let's hope.