Monday, 17 December 2012

Sad day :(

I put the bike to rest for the winter yesterday.
Even I could not kid myself about the weather and winter...there is nothing but freezing rain and snow in the forecast.

Bags and windshield off.
Battery out, tsp. of oil in each plug, fresh gas with stabiliser..on the lift....little blanky to keep it comfy.
It looked sad....just like the light from the Ikea commercial:

That commercial always made me laugh.

And now...a Musical interlude

George Harrison - Beware of Darkness....from the Concert for Bangladesh...a pretty great song.

Aside.....I hope this whole inserting video thing works...I was looking at the top bar the other day and wondered "what do these things do? "
I kind of stopped experimenting with formats and the like after spending one long evening trying to figure out what I had done wrong on one post when I could not get the the photos to do what I wanted.
Was a simple setting I had screwed up.

Getting back from laughs and good tunes...

There are probably 100 days to go, until I am riding again.
That sucks. ( insert frowny emoticon here)
On a positive note...I suck at math, and it turns out that I am only a couple of weeks from buying  a new guitar. That gets a real "yay". ( insert smiley emoticon here )
And there is Christmas.
And in February I will be hitting the dreaded 50 years old.

Lots to look forward to....( insert uncertain emoticon here )  :)

And I guess Brent and I will have to start planning our June trip.
Probably Pennsylvania.
That will entail lots of hours with maps...which is great.
Who doesn't love maps?

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