Thursday 26 April 2012

Different Strokes

I don't think it is only Harley people...everyone who rides has a vision of what their ideal ride swill look like.

The funny thing is that very few people ever achieve it.

All nice bikes below...but none of us are totally happy....there is always something to be changed.

And we all have different bikes.
Brent's Panhead
Dan's Iron head

Which kind of brings me to the point here...that it doesn't matter what a person rides.

It is not for me to critique some other guy's bike or brand of bike or what he wears, or how he wears his hair.

Not my f-in business.

If someone is riding...that is all that counts.
I have met some totally cool people on old Nortons, Gold wings, big vespas...just about anything  or any brand you can imagine.

I have met some real douche bags on beautiful Harleys.
The kind of guy that asks "when are you getting a big bike?"

Stopped at a light one time and a BMW pulls up beside me.
I turn to the guy and say "nice bike".
His reply? He looks at my ride and says "nice vibrating harley"...which is true..but a shitty thing to say when you have just complimented his bike.
 WTF ? 

Brent's Softail and my FX
What is wrong with some people?
There are a surprising number of people in the motorcycle world who spend their time beaking off about who is a biker or not, who is a poser or not ...what's a good bike or not...
Like when did  this kind of stuff become important?
How about get on your bike and ride!

This is why my profile says "just a guy who likes to ride".
Seems like a pretty peaceful life's motto.

And on that note...

Chillax with some David Gilmour from 1978.

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