Friday, 25 January 2013

what global warming?


I thought we were supposed to have some global warming action happening?

Doesn't seem too f'in  warm to me....

C'mon global warming!!!!

I think we need to start up our gas lawn mowers, weed eaters and other assorted gas powered tools and let them run for hours....yay fossil fuels...
Punch holes in the catalytic converters on our cars and trucks....
Let the coolant from our air conditioners escape...

We need some fricken holes in the ozone now!

Canadians need to organise and start silencing the scientists and pundits who are combating global warming. And how about the Swedes too ?...they seem they invented cheap assemble-it-yourself furniture . They seem legit.

I agree that yes.... it will suck to live along a coast , or in a tropical area ( insert crying baby sound)...but a tropical Canada and Sweden would rock.
No debate.
We would rock.

We have had to put up with this cold shit for 100's of years.
Now it is our turn.....

Just think of the possibilities!

We would get cocky and strut around at the UN kickin ass, instead of being like the USA's ( or in the case of  Sweden..Germany's)  retarded ugly sister..
People would want to move here for more than our easy welfare and strong beer..
We would trade in our "faggy" maple leaf flag for something cool. ....maybe something with a club or sword.
The Swedish flag is pretty boring too. They could do with some sort of Viking motif.

Our new motto could be ...

You get where I am going....we could be uppity, for once.

As it stands cool can we be as a country when you have to wear a toque and mitts for 1/2 the year ?
Our national animal is the beaver?...not cool....not very cool at all, precious.

And WTF is up with theSwedes?
This is not a cool way to dress. They look like tools.
In a global warmed Sweden, they could ditch this look in favour of something much better.
Just sayin.

And most importantly...
In a global warmed Canada...I could be riding now.
My Harley would never have been put away.

I think the southern hemisphere has had enough good times.
It is our turn.
Just sayin....


  1. Sweet mother of Christ....
    Xxo lynn

    1. brilliant...don't you think?
