Sunday, 17 March 2013

De-winterized and ready to go, but the weather sucks.

So getting back on track here...

The dewinterizing went off with only a few drops ( OK...3 small patches )  of oil left behind.
I actually tried to work clean.

No Hazmat teams were required, and no pelicans or wildlife of any kind required rescue baths of Dawn dish soap.

I am guessing that I am relatively safe from the family shit kicking thing.
or not.
We'll see.

But anyways...

It was nice enough to get a couple of small rides in last weekend...I 416'd it down to Kemptville and back, and did some trips around the 'hood.
Last Sunday it took a good 2 hrs to get the salt and crap off....but it was worth it.

This weekend it is back to cold and snowy.
So once again I am forced to say:

I think it should improve by Easter. ( in today's schools - the day the Easter bunny died on the cross to bring us chocolate )
At least I am hoping so. ( improve...not the Easter bunny thing...)

I have the bike pretty stripped down at the moment.
That way when I can get a little ride in, there are less things to clean salt and sand off of.

 I think it actually looks pretty cool all stripped down.......... too bad it couldn't stay like this.
Fun for in-town riding, but sucks on the highway or in cold weather or if you want to carry anything.
...or if you are only going to ride 4-5000 km per year.
All lessons I learnt in 2009, which was my 1st year back riding in nearly 25 years.

Live and learn.

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